Stucco Repair: Everything You Need To Know

Stucco Repair Philadelphia should be done as soon as you notice any damage. Finding a professional with the experience and knowledge to complete the work correctly is important. A caulking product like silicone should do the trick if the cracks are small and hairline. A professional will need to remove and replace the damaged stucco for larger cracks. They may also need to install a new vapor barrier and lath.

Stucco repair is a task that all homeowners with stucco homes will have to do at one point or another. This is a manageable task for anyone experienced in the DIY world and with the right tools. You can even buy a kit for the job and save some money. However, you should be aware that some types of damage are beyond the capabilities of the average DIYer and require the services of a professional.

The cost of stucco remediation will depend on the extent of the damage. For example, large cracks and holes will be more costly than smaller cracks. Also, the cost will increase if the repairs are done in areas that are difficult to access. For instance, walls with ornate trim will be harder for professionals to work on than those without such embellishments.

If you notice moisture intrusion, you should seek the services of a stucco remediation company as soon as possible. This will help you avoid more expensive damages and health problems in the future. Moisture intrusion can cause salt efflorescence, staining, and biological growth, as well as structural failure of the building.

During the stucco remediation process, professionals will first check the wall system for any underlying issues. They will look for signs of mold and water damage, especially in areas around windows. They will then remove the old vapor barrier and metal lath to check for damage. If they find any, they will perform a water damage repair before patching or painting the stucco.

After the stucco has been repaired, a primer and paint will be applied to the surface. This will help protect the stucco from moisture and sun exposure. It will also help the stucco retain its color. After the primer and paint have been applied, the contractors will apply a topcoat that will protect the stucco from the elements.

Stucco repair can be expensive, but it is worth the investment. If you have a well-maintained house with stucco, it will increase your property value. It can even save you money on energy costs.


Stucco repair can be a time-consuming project. However, the process is not as daunting as it may seem. The key is to have a clear understanding of what is needed and why it is important. This will help you avoid wasting money on repair that is unnecessary. Also, it will save you time because you won’t need to keep repairing the same problems.

The first step in the stucco repair process is to remove any loose material and clean the area. This is especially important if the surface is contaminated with mildew or mold. After cleaning the area, a mason’s chisel or hammer can be used to chip away any old plaster and debris. Then, a sandblaster or power grinder can be used to smooth the surface. Once the sandblasting is complete, the surface should be primed with an oil-based primer to ensure that future coats of stucco adhere well.

After the primer is applied, it should be allowed to dry for at least 24 hours. Once it has dried, the next step is to apply a thin layer of mud called a scratch coat. This layer is not meant to be aesthetically pleasing, but rather it serves as a sealant that will prevent future cracks and damage. It is important to note that this layer should not be colored.

Once the scratch coat has been applied, it is time to add the next layer of stucco. This is the main coat that will give your home its finished appearance and protection from moisture. The final step is to paint the stucco using a color of your choice. It is important to use a quality exterior paint to ensure that the stucco will hold up to harsh weather conditions and other environmental factors.

If your stucco has sustained significant water damage, you will need to hire a professional to perform remediation. This is an extensive process that will address the underlying issues that caused the damage. The cost will vary depending on the extent of the water damage and the materials that are required to correct it.


Stucco is a cement-based plaster that provides a great combination of utility and beauty. It protects walls from harsh weather conditions and keeps interiors warm in winter and cool in summer. However, stucco can become damaged and cracked over time. When this happens, it’s important to repair it as quickly as possible. There are a few different ways to do this, but it’s usually best to call in a professional masonry contractor.

Before beginning the repair, clean the area thoroughly using a wire brush and water. It’s also a good idea to remove any loose or peeling paint from the area. Next, mix the stucco patch according to the directions on the package. Ideally, you should use a product that dries quickly, such as Rapid Set. Once the patch is mixed, apply it to the wall, smoothing it with a brick trowel and packing down the edges. Once it loses its wet sheen, cover the patch with a plastic sheet.

Once the patch has cured, paint it a uniform color to match your existing stucco. Be sure to use a quality paint that is compatible with stucco and that will stay durable over time. In addition to the plaster, you will also need several types of pigments. Ensure that the pigments you choose are compatible with your stucco and meet ASTM C 979.

Another way to repair small cracks is by using a specialty caulking. It’s easy to apply and can be used for a variety of applications, including filling in cracks in the wall or around fixtures. It’s also effective for hairline cracks, and can be painted to match the texture of your stucco.

When it comes to large cracks, it’s best to hire a professional. This will ensure that the problem is resolved quickly and correctly, and that no further damage is caused to the structure of your home. Stucco repairs can be expensive, but it’s worth the investment if you want your house to look its best.

In some cases, the cracks in your stucco may be due to a deeper issue, such as rot. If this is the case, you’ll need to get a professional in to inspect the damage and recommend remediation services. If you don’t take care of the problem right away, it could lead to more costly repairs in the future.


When completing stucco repairs, it’s important to follow all necessary safety measures. This includes wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) like safety goggles and a dust mask when chipping loose stucco or working with power tools. It’s also vital to use a moisture meter and thermal imaging camera to ensure that the repaired areas are dry. This will help prevent future water leaks from damaging the interior of your home or causing other issues.

If your stucco is showing signs of moisture penetration, you should take immediate action to address the problem before it gets worse. Moisture in your stucco can lead to rot, mold growth, and other serious problems. It can also damage your home’s structural integrity and cause unsightly stains and musty odors. Fortunately, you can easily fix water leaks in your stucco by following these steps.

Start by removing any loose or damaged stucco. You can remove the existing stucco with a pry bar or a hammer, but you should be careful not to splinter the underlying lath. After removing the stucco, you should inspect the metal lath to see if it’s in good condition. If it’s not, you should replace it. Next, clean the area to be patched with a trisodium phosphate (TSP) solution. This can be purchased at most hardware stores, and it’s a great way to remove dirt, algae, and other debris from the surface of your stucco. Be sure to wear rubber gloves and work in a well-ventilated area.

Once the area has been cleaned, you can use a hammer and cold chisel to widen the crack in the stucco. You can then use a narrow wire brush to smooth out the crack. Afterwards, you should finish by brushing away any peeling paint on the side of the crack.

Once you’ve repaired the crack, it’s time to apply the new stucco. You can use pre-mixed stucco mix or conventional stucco repair material. If you choose to use traditional stucco, you’ll need to mix the material yourself. To ensure that the color matches your existing stucco, you should add coloring pigment to the mixture before applying it.